Strategic Outlook and annual plan set ambitious goals
CHS is delighted to publish our Strategic Outlook 2024-27 and Business and Corporate Parenting Plan 2024-25, which together set out our ambitious goals.
Business and Corporate Parenting Plan 2024–25.
These publications have been approved by Natalie Don, Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise. We are also working to produce child-friendly versions in the coming weeks.
Vision, themes, enablers and values
The Strategic Outlook identifies CHS's courageous and purposeful vision, three strategic themes, the critical enablers we have identified to deliver them, and our organisational values which reflect the values lived by our people. As a guiding document, it is linked to our responsibilities as Corporate Parents and will underpin and inform all our business planning activities for the next three years.
In each of the three years covered by this Strategic Outlook, our Panel Community will make many thousands of difficult decisions that will profoundly affect the lives of infants, children and young people, and no matter what changes the hearings system goes through in that period, there are children and families who require the skills of our Panel Members today, tomorrow and the next day.
Activities for the business year
The Business and Corporate Parenting Plan 2024–25 identifies those activities CHS will achieve within this business year to deliver what we set out in the Strategic Outlook.
Both of these documents represent work that has come before, and the ambition CHS holds to #keepthepromise and deliver better outcomes for the infants, children and young people of Scotland who come into contact with the hearings system.